Mobility-Hip and Ankle/Pulling Prep
A) Front Rack Step Ups
4×8 each leg
B) Deadlifts
Work up to a heavy 10-8-6-4-2-1
C) EMOM 12
Odd- 12 Wall Balls (20/14)
Even-12 KBS (53/35)
New You
A)Skills- Jumping and Landing
*work to a challenging but comfortable height for box jumps
0-10 mins 800m run
10-20 AMRAP: 10 Knee Raises/10 Burpee Box Overs/10 Slam Balls
then, 3RFT:
200m run/10 Ring Rows
200m run/10 Squats
200m run/10 Ring Rows
200m run/10 Squats