Change Your Focus

Hello, I hope everyone is staying healthy and staying moving. Yesterday on one of our “long walks” as Masyn likes to call them. I got to thinking about how much different my training has been since we closed the gym due to the coronavirus. If I had to guess, I probably have done some sort of barbell training ever since I was in the fifth grade. I’m not sure if I have ever taken a month+ off of touching a barbell until now. Yes, when we closed I took a barbell and some weights home but I’ve only picked it up once to do some weighted box step ups.

I’ve been trying to put myself in your shoes and have just been doing the #CF217AtHome WOD’s with limited equipment just like the majority of you. Do I miss it? Absolutely! Am I afraid I’m going to be weak or less fit when we get back? Not really, I’m still moving everyday and maybe more than before. We will be back soon and strength comes back quickly. It’s not like we are taking a year off….I hope. Try to change your focus on training and life. Create a routine for your day and be active when you can. If you can be better than yesterday everyday you’re going to be where you want to be.

Here is what a normal day looks like for me right now.

Every morning, we get up and ready for the day. I get in my GoWOD mobility for 15-30 minutes before we zoom. We will do the zoom call at 9am if its a zoom day and if it isn’t we still go outside around that same time to stick to our routine. I will get my “workout” in while the kids play. I say “workout” because very few of my workouts are “For Time” anymore. I usually have plenty of interruptions along the way but I do get it done. Once I finish my workout, we normally go for an hour or so walk with the kids and go back inside to do school work for the kids. After that, we go back outside to play or for another walk and just stay busy all day. I’ve also been trying to get in a longer running session once Emily gets home from work. When Emily is off work, the main difference is we will take turns getting our workout in while the other watches the kids so we can put a little more effort and focus into those training sessions.

I’ve had more time to focus on spending time with the girls and trying not to get too frustrated if I have to pause my workouts to chase them down. I’ve been able to do homework with them, play sports with them, to them out to ride bikes, etc. I’ve just been trying to spend the extra time with them that I didn’t have before.

I’ve had more time to focus on growing the business. We will be able to offer 24 hour access soon to all members who want that option. I’ve been looking into some other systems that will enhance your membership experience. I’ve been planning some fun events and new programs that we will hopefully be able to do in a few months.

Let’s be honest, I struggle off and on focusing on my own nutrition. I know what to do, I know how to fix it, and I know better than to let it happen but it does happen. Life has been busy the last year for us and we had a lot of things changing in our life and I kind of fell off the wagon. This extra time has really helped me focus on getting that back on track.

I’ve made an effort to focus on my mobility by following a daily mobility routine so I can take care of my body and avoid injuries. The best thing you can do to stay injury free as we age is to move well. Stay on your mobility guys!

I’ve been running almost daily to stay active and stay fit. I feel better after I finish and it lets me clear my mind and escape the house for a bit.

I’ve been following Mike Newhart’s advice. Shout out to Mike. He is basically my “life coach” right now. Hopefully, I can be a better person, father, spouse, business man, etc. You should really pick his brain sometime if you want to improve in these areas. I’ve been making day planning a priority and not just something that crosses my mind. It has helped keep me on track with all this extra time that could easily be wasted without having a plan.

This situation we are all in is not ideal for anyone but you have to look for the positives in life right now. My training and life in general looks a ton different than it ever has but we will be back and have you right back to where you were in no time. Find those positives and change your focus. See you soon!

Cody Galbreath

Programming 12/30/19-1/05/20

Monday- Lower Body


Choose 2 of 3:Pigeon/Couch/Ankle Drills

10 Front Leg Swings + 10 Side to Side Leg Swings

1 min Banded Activation

A)Strength: Back Squat


B)Conditioning:EMOM 20

1-50 Foot of Elly’s Complex


3-Sandbag lap

4-Feet Elevated Ring Row–Normal Ring Row

Tuesday-Horizontal Pressing

**Open Gym 8AM-Noon**

A) Bench Press 5×2@85%

B) Partner WOD

100 cal Row or Bike

100 Synchro Air Squats (Top Portion)

100 WB *Partner must be in Handstand Hold while other partner accumulates WB

100 Synchro Push ups (Top Portion)

100 cal Row or Bike (Opposite of what you start with)


New Years Day


5 Inchworm/Seal Stretch

10/each leg Single Leg RDL Toe Touches

10 Good Morning + 10 RDL’s (Bar)

A)Deadlift 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5


1-Upright Barbell Rows 5×10

2-Incline DB Rows 5×10 *1 sec pause @ top of each rep

C)WOD: For Time

10-9-8-7-6 Alt DB Thrusters (50/35)

6-7-8-9-10 KB Box Overs (24/20)

*10 min cap

Friday-Vertical Pressing


2 sets of 15 Plate Front Raises

2 sets of 15 Plate Lateral Raises

2 sets of 10 Banded Y’s-T’s-V’s

A)Strength: Strict Press

*10 mins to build to a heavy 2

Then, 10 mins to complete 3×2@90% todays max


1-Incline DB Flys 5×10

2-Plate Complex 5 sets:

10 Around Head + 10 Front Raise + 10 Curls + 10 Presses + 10 Tri Ext + 20 Bent Over Rows


11 S20 (95/65)

11 T2B


Group CrossFit 9AM 


Open Gym 10AM-Noon

Programming 12/9/19-12/15/19

Monday- Pressing


2 sets of 15 Front Plate Raises

2 sets of 15 Lateral Plate Raises

2 sets of 10 Banded Y’s-T’s-V’s

A)Strength: Strict Press

*Build to a heavy 4 then, 3×4@90% today’s 4

B)Accessory:5 Supersets

10 Upright Dumbell Raises + 10 Dumbell Z-Presses

C)WOD: 4 Rds You Go I Go each partner

SPRINT each full round of:

10/8 Cal Bike

10 Pull ups

10/8 Cal Bike

Tuesday-Gymnastics Day

A)Gymnastics Skills/Drills

1-Ring or Bar


*Descriptions in class

B)Gymnastics Strength

1-Dragonflys or Knee Tucks

2-Pike Ups on Rower

3-Floor Wipers 

*Descriptions in class

C)Gymnastics WOD: For Time

20 Doubles

HS Walk

40 Doubles 

HS Walk

60 Doubles

HS walk

80 Doubles

HS Walk

100 Doubles 

HS Walk

*Rest 5 mins

10-8-6-4-2-1 Ring Dips 

25-20-15-10-5 Sit ups

*25 min total cap

Wednesday-Olympic weightlifting Day  

Warmup- Barbell Drills

A)3 Position Power Snatch + OHS on last rep

B)3 Position Power Clean + Jerk on last rep

C)Back Squat 5×3@80%1RM


A)5 Rounds For Time

20 KB Swings

20 KB S2O

40 Jump Rope

*15 min cap

B)Box Squats: Build to a heavy 10RM


1-Alt Hammer Curls 3×15/each arm

2-Front + Lat Raises 3×15 each direction 


A)Rowing Conditioning

4 sets each partner

500m slowest pace

400m quicker

300m quicker

200m quicker

100m fastest

*Alternate rds with a partner 

Total Rowing 1500m each set=6000m total


A)Biking Conditioning

4 sets each partner

.6 mile slowest pace

.5 mile quicker

.4 mile quicker

.3 mile quicker

.2 mile fastest

*Alternate rds with a partner

Total Biking 2 miles each set=8 miles total



5 Inchworms/Seal Stretch ……

5 Good Morning + 5 RDL’s (Barbell)

5 Liftoffs to knee with a light weight

A)Strength: Deadlift

2 Liftoff + Full Deadlift  

*Compare to 12/6/19 (3 rep)

B)Accessory: Posterior Chain

1-Reverse Hyper 3×20

2-Good Mornings 3×20

3-Alt DB Rows 3×20/each side


Run 200m

15 Deadlifts 225/155

10 T2B

5 Bar Over Burpees


Group CrossFit 9AM 


Open Gym 10AM-Noon

Programming 12/2/19-12/9/19

Monday-Squat Day

Warmup: Complete

Pigeon or Couch Stretch-1 min each side

Ankle Drills-1 min each side

10 Front Back Leg Swings each side

10 Side to Side Leg Swings each side

Banded Glute Activation 1 min

A)Strength: Back Squats

5×3 @80%1RM

B)Accessory:Lower Body

1-Banded Glute Bridges ss w/Banded Abduction

3×15 each

2-Glute Ham Raises 3×8-15 reps


Run 600m

Then, 10 T2B + 10 Burpee Med Ball Clean Thrusters (20/14)


A)Box Squat if needed




Warmup-EMOM 5

25 Jump Rope + 5-10 Push ups

A)Bench Press


B)WOD:For Time

100 Strict Press (45/35) scale to aprox 35-40%1RM

*Every Break you must complete 

25-50 Doubles/Singles

25 SitUps

*15 min cap


UB Wall Balls (20/14)

*Rest as needed but all sets must be UB



A)Gymnastics Strength

1-Ring Pulls to Chest

2-Inverted HSPU On Box

3-Nose to Wall Wall Walks

B)Gymnastics Skill Work

1-Ring Work/Bar Work: Swing and Hips to Ring/Bar

2-Handstand Kick Ups-Walks into Wall-Walks w/spotter-Walks on own


1-Hanging Knee Raise +Twists (each way)

5×8-12 reps

2-Plank Holds 5×1 min hold *weighted if possible

D)Gymnastics WOD

Every 3 mins start a new rd *1 min rest b/t rds

Rd 1-Run 400m + Max Pull ups

Rd 2- Run 400m + Max Strict HSPU

Rd 3- Run 400m + Max MU or MU Variation

Rd 4- Run 400m + Max HSPU


A)Gymnastics Strength

1-Ring Pulls to Chest (Ring Row Variation)

2-Inverted HSPU (Feet on floor)

3-Wall Walks (As far as possible without sagging)


1-DB Bench Press 3×20

2-Seated DB Curls 3×20


1-Hanging Knee Raise +Twists (each way)

5×8-12 reps

2-Plank Holds 5×1 min hold *weighted if possible

D)Gymnastics WOD

Every 3 mins start a new rd *1 min rest b/t rds

Rd 1-Run 200m + Max Ring Rows

Rd 2- Run 200m + Max Push ups

Rd 3- Run 200m + Max Jumping Pull ups

Rd 4- Run 200m + Max Inverted Pushups 


A)Rowing Conditioning

4 sets each partner

500m slowest pace

400m quicker

300m quicker

200m quicker

100m fastest

*Alternate rds with a partner 

Total Rowing 1500m each set=6000m total


A)Rowing Conditioning

4 sets each partner

400m slowest pace

300m quicker

200m quicker

150m quicker

100m fastest

*Alternate rds with a partner 

Total Rowing 1150m each set=4600m total 



5 Inchworms/Seal Stretch

5 Good Morning + 5 RDL’s (Barbell)

5 Liftoffs to knee with a light weight

A)Strength: Deadlift

3 Liftoff + Full Deadlift  

*Compare to 11/29/19 (4 rep)

B)Accessory: Posterior Chain

1-Double DB Rows: 5×10

2-GHD Hip Extension: 5×10

C)WOD: For Time

10 Burpee DB Deadlifts (50/35)

25/20 Cal Row

10 Burpee DB Deadlifts

25 Box Overs 24/20)

10 Burpee DB Deadlifts

25/20 Cal Bike

10 Burpee DB Deadlifts

*15 min cap


A)Same or Rack or Block Pulls for 3


C)WOD: For Time

10 Burpee + 10 Slam Balls

25/20 Cal Row

10 Burpee + 10 Slam Balls

25 Box Overs

10 Burpee + 10 Slam Balls

25/20 Cal Bike

10 Burpee + 10 Slam Balls

*15 min cap


Group CrossFit 9AM 


Open Gym 1-3PM

Programming 11/25/19-12/1/19

Monday-Squat Day

Warmup: Complete

Pigeon or Couch Stretch-1 min each side

Ankle Drills-1 min each side

10 Front Back Leg Swings each side

10 Side to Side Leg Swings each side

Banded Glute Activation 1 min

A)Strength: Back Squats

5×4 @75%1RM

B)Accessory:Lower Body

1-Rear Foot Elevated Lunges 5×10/each leg

2-Med Ball Squeeze Glute Bridges 5×15

C)WOD: 2 Rounds (Thx MisFit Athletics)

25/18 Cal Bike

20 BJ (24/20)

15 DB Push Press (50/35)

*Rest 5 mins 


A)Box Squat if needed


C)WOD: 2 Rounds (Thx MisFit Athletics)

20/15 Cals on Bike

15 Box Step ups (24/20)

10 DB Push Press *Choose challenging weights

*Rest 5 mins 



2 sets of 15 Front Plate Raises

2 sets of 15 Lateral Plate Raises

2 sets of 10 Banded Y’s-T’s-V’s

A)Strict Press:Build to a heavy 5

Then, 3×5@90% today’s 5


1-Steering Wheel Front Plate Raises 3×12-15 reps

2-Bradford Presses 3×20

C)Gymnastics Skills: AMRAP 20

*Explanation in class




A)Running Intervals

4 sets of 1 mile run *Rest 3 mins b/t sets

*Goal=Negative Splits


B)Bike or Row

1-100 Cals For Time

2-Then, AMRAP Cals in Part 1’s Time

3-Then, For Time the amount of calories in Part 2.

*Goal=Consistency. You should hit part 1 with 80-90% effort. Part 2 should be as close as possible to 100 cals. Part 3 time should be as close as possible to part 1 time. 


Same options but scale distances and calories as needed. 


Thanksgiving- Closed

Friday-Open Gym 8am-Noon

*No structured class but coach/coaches will be there to help explain the workouts if needed. 


5 Inchworms/Seal Stretch

5 Good Morning + 5 RDL’s (Barbell)

5 Liftoffs to knee with a light weight

A)Strength: Deadlift

4 Liftoff + Full Deadlift  

*Compare to 11/20/19 (5 rep)

B)Accessory: Posterior Chain

1-Rear Foot Elevated RDL’s

5×10/ea leg

2-GHD Hip Extension



30/24 Row Cals

15 Pull ups

30 WB (20/14)


A)Rack or Block Pulls if needed

B)Same or Single Leg RDL with hand on rail if needed.


30/24 Row Cals

15 Ring Row or Pull up variation if needed

30 WB (20/14)


Group CrossFit 9AM 


Open Gym 1-3PM

Programming 11/18/19-11/24/19

Monday-Squat Day

Warmup: Complete

Pigeon or Couch Stretch-1 min each side

Ankle Drills-1 min each side

10 Front Back Leg Swings each side

10 Side to Side Leg Swings each side

Banded Glute Activation 1 min

A)Strength: Back Squats

5×5 @70%



1-Doubles/Singles *Choose challenging reps

2-KB Farmers Carry *Choose challenging weight 


4-KB Front Rack Carry


A)Substitute Box Squats as needed 


Tuesday-Horizontal Pressing Day


10 PVC Dislocates + 10 Around the world’s

10 Push ups

10 Pronated Front + 10 Overhead + 10 Supinated Front Band Pullaparts 

10 Push Ups 

10 Banded Face Pulls

A)Bench Press 1RM

B)Conditioning/Gymnastics Skills

Every 90 secs for 9 mins

Row 15/12 Cal + HSPU

*Rest 2 mins

Every 90 secs for 9 mins

Bike 15/12 Cal + Ring Dips or Static Ring Hold


5x Max Chin Over Bar Hold and slow negative

**Rest 2 mins between sets 



B)Conditioning/Gymnastics Skills

Every 90 secs for 9 mins

Row 15/12 Cal + Push Ups

*Rest 2 mins

Every 90 secs for 9 mins

Bike 15/12 Cal + Plank Hold


5x Max Chin Over Bar Hold and slow negative

**Rest 2 mins between sets 


5x Ring Row Hold at top of ring and slow negative 

Wednesday-Posterior Chain Day


5 Inchworms/Seal Stretch

5 Good Morning + 5 RDL’s (Barbell)

5 Beat Swings + 5 T2B

5 Wall Facing Squats + 5 WB

5 Liftoffs to knee with a light weight

A)Deadlift: Build to a heavy 5

*Every rep should begin with a liftoff to the knee and back to the floor. Followed up with a full deadlift. 

B)Conditioning: 3 Rounds of

21 WB

15 T2B

9 Plate Burpees 

*10 min cap


1-GHD Abdominal Rotations 5x:30

2-GHD Hip Ext 5×10


A)Rack Pulls or Pulls From the blocks

*Build to a heavy 5

B)Conditioning: 3 Rounds of

21 WB

15 Sit Ups/Knee Raises

9 Plate Burpees 

*10 min cap



A)Running Intervals

4 sets of 1 mile run *Rest 3 mins b/t sets

*Goal=Negative Splits


B)Bike or Row

1-100 Cals For Time

2-Then, AMRAP Cals in Part 1’s Time

3-Then, For Time the amount of calories in Part 2.

*Goal=Consistency. You should hit part 1 with 80-90% effort. Part 2 should be as close as possible to 100 cals. Part 3 time should be as close as possible to part 1 time. 


Same options but scale distances and calories as needed. 

Friday-Olympic Weightlifting

Warmup-Barbell Drills

A)Snatch Complex

(Power Snatch w/pause at knee + Squat Snatch)

Then, 3×3 Snatch Pulls

B)Clean Complex

(Power Clean w/pause at knee + Squat Clean)

Then, 3×3 Clean Pulls


1-Good Mornings 5×10

2-Bent Over Barbell Rows 5×20



1-Seated Dumbbell Curls 5×10 

2-Single Arm Dumbbell Rows 5×10/each side

3-Banded KB Swings 5×20


Row 5000m

*Every 3 mins complete 25 Russian Twists 


Group CrossFit 9AM


Open Gym 1-3 PM

Programming 11/11/19-11/18/19


Group Dynamic Warmup



15/12 Cal Row- 12/10- 10/8

:30 Max Push ups

*4min break


15/12 Cal Bike-12/10- 10/8

:30 Max Sit ups

*Score = Max Push Ups and Sit ups 

A)Partner WOD: AMRAP 25

50 Plate Burpees

50 Plate G2OH

50 T2B *Partner Must Hold Plate OH




10/10/10….continue back up 20-30-40-50


Strength Test

“CrossFit Total”

3 Attempts at each lift

Back Squat


Strict Press

Total Score=Heaviest of all three successful lifts added together.


Endurance Test


Every Second Counts


Make Up Day

*Perform one of the tests from Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday if you missed one. 

If you have completed all of those we will have a partner WOD available.


Group CrossFit 9AM


Open Gym 1-3PM

Programming 10/28/19-11/3/19


Warmup-Barbell Drills

A)Build to a heavy Snatch in 15 mins

B)Build to a heavy Clean and Jerk in 15 mins

C)Conditioning: AMRAP 15

Run 200m 

1 Muscle Up or C2B Pullup + 1 OHS (135/95)

Climb the ladder 2-3-4-5-6….


A/B) Do Hang and Power variations as needed

C)Conditioning: AMRAP 12

Run 200m *Sub Rowing and Biking as needed

2 Pullups + 2 Front Squats @60% 

Climb the ladder 2-4-6-8-10…


Warmup-3 Rounds NFT

3 Strict + 3 Push *start w/ bar increase Rd to Rd 

5 Air Squats + 25ft BW walking lunges

5 Box Overs *start BW increase Rd to Rd 

A)Strength: Push Press

10 mins to build to a heavy single

Then, 3×5@75%


15/12 Cal Bike or 20/15 Cal Row

5 Devil’s Press (50/35)

10 DB Squats (50/35)

15 DB S2O (50/35)

10 DB Box Overs (24/20) *Both DBs

DB FR Lunges Back to start line

Health- SAME


Warmup-Group Dynamic Warmup

A)Rowing Conditioning: 4 rds each partner 

300m moderate pace

200m fast pace 


*Alt rds w/partner

B)Accessory: Posterior Chain 

1-Single Leg KB RDLs 3×10-15 reps

2-Good Mornings 3×20 reps

C)Accessory: Gymnastics

1-Strict T2B Leg Raises 3×5-10 reps

2-Pike Ups on Rower 3×5-10 reps


Thursday– Limited Schedule 

Workout TBA- “Halloween Special”



Week 4 Theme-“Trick or Treat”

Social Media Challenge-Post a picture of your score sheet with our CrossFit 217 banner. #CF217TrickOrTreat and tag @crossfit217

*1 pt + .5 pt if you are in costume 

*Top 3-5 costumes get 1 bonus point 


Group CrossFit 9AM


Open Gym 1:30-3:30pm

Programming 10/21/19-10/27/19



1 min Pigeon Pose

1 min Couch Stretch

1 min in Hip Circle Bands

10 Empty Bar Box Squats 

A)Box Squats


B)Conditioning: EMOM 24

1-Row 15/12 Cal or 12/10 or 10/8

2-Strict HSPU

3-Bike 12/10 Cal or 10/8 or 8/6

4-C2B Pull ups 

*Goal=Row and Bike should take aprox 40-50 secs

*Goal=Gymnastics stuff should be done under :30 secs and get the majority of your rest here. 


Warmup-PVC Drills/Band Pullaparts

Then, Barbell Drills (5 Hang Power Cleans + 5 S2O)

15 Box Step Ups (Bodyweight)

10 WB

A)Strength: Strict Press

Build to a heavy single in 10 mins

Then, 3×5@75%

B)WOD: Intervals

First Round: 2 min ON/1 min OFF

1-Max Box Jumps (24/20)

2-Max Power Cleans (135/95)

3-Max WB (20/14)

4-Max Box Step Ups (50/35) (24/20)

5-Max S2O (135/95)

Then, Second round: 1:30 ON/:30 OFF


Warmup-Group Dynamic Warmup

A)Conditioning: WOD’n Wednesday 

WOD: 3 Rounds of:

Run 400m 

10 DB Power Cleans (50/35)

50ft DB Walking Lunges (50/35)

WOD: 3 Rounds of:

Run 400m

20 KB Swings (53/35)

20 Alt KB Snatches *From the floor 

WOD: 3 Rounds: 

Run 400m

5 Bar MU

*30 min total cap, no rest between WODs 

B)Accessory: Posterior Chain 

1-Single Leg KB RDLs 3×10-15 reps

2-Goid Mornings 3×20 reps



Complete WODs Every 12 mins


Cal Row

Burpees to Target


Med Ball Cleans

Slam Balls


Cal Bike

Burpees to Target




Group CrossFit 9AM


Open Gym 1:30-3:30pm

Programming 10/7/19-10/13/19


Warmup-Run 400m then, set up for WOD

A)WOD: For Time

Run 800m

30 Burpee Box Overs w/hands (24/20)

30/24 cals

30 Dips–Push ups

Run 800m

*Rest 5 mins

Run 800m

30 Dips–Push ups

30/24 cals 

30 Burpee Box Overs w/hands (24/20)

Run 800m 

*45 min cap


Warmup-Barbell Drills

A)Intervals: Every 90 secs

5 Hang Power Snatch

5 OHS 

3-5 T2B–Hanging Knee Raises *Depending on skill

Rounds 1-3=75/55

Rounds 4-6=95/65

Rounds 7-9=115/75

Rounds 10-12=135/85

B)Conditioning: E5MOM

40/30 Cal Row *Rest remaining time

50/42 Cal Row *Rest remaining time

60/48 Cal Row *Rest remaining time

70/55 Cal Row *Rest remaining time

Goal=Row at a certain pace 


Warmup: Complete 2 Rounds of

10/8 Cal Row + 10 Push ups + 10/8 Cal Bike + 10 Push ups + Run 200m

A)Conditioning: Intervals

Round 1


10 WB

5 Burpees

*Rest 2 mins


Max Cal Row

*Rest 2 mins


Max Cal Bike

*Rest 2 mins

Round 2

Start back at the top but it’s now 


*Rest 1:30

Round 3 

Start back at the top but it’s now


*Rest 1 min 


A)Make Up Day

B)Partner WOD



5:15am/9am/Noon class is regular scheduled classes. 

4:30pm starts Friday Night Lights


9-11am Open Makeups


Open Gym3-5pm.