Shoulder Prehab:
Wall W’s-2×15
Quad Push Up Plus-2×15
External Rotation and Extension-2×15 each side
Sleeper Stretch 2×30 sec each side
A) Bench Press 10RM w/pause on the chest
B) Supinated Bent Over Row 10 RM
*Try to increase from last week
C) EMOM 14 *Teams of 2
A- Row Cals (12/10)
B- 10 Deadlifts @50%1RM
New You
Mobility-Hip/Ankle Prep and Shoulder Prep
A) Strength:
Front Squats- 5×10
Push Press-5×10
B) WOD: Teams of 3
5 Rounds
250m row
25 Box Jumps/Step ups
25 KB Swings
*You can’t move on to the next exercise until your partner has moved on to the next