
Shoulder Prehab:
Wall W’s-2×15
Quad Push Up Plus-2×15
External Rotation and Extension-2×15 each side
Sleeper Stretch 2×30 sec each side
A) Warmup: 2 Rounds
20 sec Hollow Hold w/PVC
20 sec Arch Hold w/PVC
10 Lat Activations
10 Beat Swings
B) Skill Work:
-Take 10 mins working on Kipping/Kipping Pull Ups/Butterfly Pullups/Chest to Bar Pullups/Bar Muscle Ups
*Go over different drills and progressions
1 Legless Rope Climb or 2 Rope Climbs
25m HS Walk or :25 sec HS Hold on Wall
25 GHDSU or Abmat Situps
25m HS Walk or :25 sec HS Hold on Wall
1 Legless Rope Climb or 2 Rope Climbs
*1 min rest between rounds
D) Accessory Strength:
5×5 Strict Pull ups *weighted if possible
or 5x Max Chin over bar hold into a negative


New You

Warmup- 2 Rounds
20 sec Hollow Hold
20 sec Arch Hold
10 Lat Activations or 10 sec Bar Hang
10 Ring Rows
A) Tabata WOD: 8 rds each :20 on :10 off
1-KB High Pulls
2-Sit ups
3-Air Squats
4-Mountain Climbers
B) Accessory:
Bulgarian Split Squats-3×10 each leg
GHD Hip Ext-3×10

Categories: WOD

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