Mobility-Shoulder Prep
A) Warmup:
800m run
then, 2 rounds
5 Strict Press +5 Push Press (Bar)
10-15 GHD Hip Ext
B) Find 1 RM Push Press *25 mins
C) WOD: Conditioning Repeats- 3 Rounds
In a 3 minute time period complete:
200m run
10 T2B
10 Box Overs (24/20)
then, max Double Unders (only do singles if you can’t string together double unders)
*rest 60 secs between rounds
*score is max double unders
*scale reps and distance to where you can get to the rope each round
New You
Mobility-Pulling Prep
Warmup-8 100m sprints *sprint down and walk back recovery
A) Strength
Kettlebell Deadlifts- 5×10
Prowler Sprints- 3-5 Sprints
Broad Jumps Down
Lunge Back
Run Down and Back
10 Squats