

Warmup-6 sets

20/15 Cal moderate

15/12 Cal fast

10/8 Cal faster

*Switch rounds with a partner who will be on a similar time frame.

*Focus=Select three different places and stick to it. DO NOT just bike all Cal’s at same pace. Experiment with it round to round and see what you can hold without hitting a wall at the fastest pace. RPM’s, MPH, or Watts and try to hold it. You should know how all of these feel so you can hold paces when it’s in workouts.

A)Strength: Deadlifts

Build to a heavy single then, 3×5 @70%

B) WOD: For Time

25/20 Cal Bike

25 Deadlifts 225/155

15/12 Cal Bike

15 Deadlifts

5/4Cal Bike

5 Deadlifts

*8 min cap

Categories: WOD

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