
Warmup-Run 800m, then 3 Rounds of: 5 DB Squats +5 DB Jerks + 5 Beat Swings + 2 T2B +2 Pullups

A) WOD: 1Round

AMRAP 4: Max DB Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35)

*Rest 2 mins

AMRAP 4: Max T2B

*Rest 2 mins

AMRAP 4: Max Burpees to Target

*Rest 2 mins

AMRAP 4: Max Muscle Ups (Ring or Bar)–C2B–Pullups–Jumping Pullups

*Rest 2 mins

Then, Round 2 go back to top but they are AMRAP 2 with 1 min rest.

*Score as 4 separate scores

Categories: WOD

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