
Mobility-Oly Prep
Warmup-Barbell Drills
A) Oly Intervals: Power Snatches
5 Rounds of 1:00 on 2:00 off
Max Power Snatches @60-75%
*Drop and reset all reps
*Add weight across rounds
*Score=Total reps
B) EMOM 10: Complete 1 Clean Complex
Power Clean + Push Jerk + Front Squat + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk
*Start at 70% complex max and you can increase across EMOM
C) WOD: 21-15-9
Hang Squat Snatch (115/75) (95/65)
Ring Dips–Jumping Ring Dips–Stationary–Parallette–Push ups
*10 min cap
Mobility-Oly Prep
Warmup-Barbell Drills
A) Oly Intervals: Power Snatches
5 Rounds of 1:00 on 2:00 off
Max Power Snatches @60-75%
*Drop and reset all reps
*Add weight across rounds
*Score=Total reps
B) EMOM 10: Complete 1 Clean and Jerk Complex
Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk + Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk
*Start at 70% complex max and you can increase across EMOM
C) WOD: 50-40-30-20-10

KB Swings

Jump Rope
*10 min cap
Categories: WOD

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