
Mobility-PVC Dislocates/Around the worlds and Band Pullaparts
Bike 20/15 cals (Moderate Pace)
Accumulate 30 secs of bar hang
3 sets of 5 Push ups
3 sets of 5 Beat Swings
A) Bench Press 5×3@85%
B) Intervals: AMRAP 4 x 4 Rounds
Bike 25/20 cals
Rope Climbs Rx-2 Rx+-3 Scaled-1
then, Climb the ladder Pull ups + T2B
1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4…..*Always start the next round where you left off
*Rest 2 mins between rounds
*Score is Total reps of Pull ups and T2B over all rounds
Categories: WOD

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