
Mobility-Inchworm/Seal Stretch, Monster Walks, Glute Bridges, Cat-Cows
Warmup-200m Row, 10 GHD Supermans, 10 Goblet Squats, Barbell-RDL’s, Good Mornings
A) Deadlift 3RM *No Touch N Go
then, 1 set of max reps @80%
B)WOD- 5 Rds for time:
15 KB Swings (53/35)
100m run
10 Pull ups—>scale ring rows
*Rest 30 secs between rounds
*Score Total Time
C) Accessory: 10-10-8-8-6-6-4-4-2-2
Strict Chin ups and Strict Dips

Categories: WOD

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