
Warmup-AMRAP 8
25ft walking lunges *start bodyweight and increase each round
5/each arm alt DB Hang Cleans *Increase weight over rounds to get to WOD #
Jog 2 laps in gym
A) Partner WOD: 4 You Go I Go Rounds
50ft DB FR Walking Lunges (50/35)
30 Alt DB Hang Cleans
1-2 Rope Climbs *You should be able to finish climbs under 1 minute
75ft shuttle run
B) Accessory:
1- 5 sets of Ring Rows
*Make them as hard as possible but stay in a 8-15 rep scheme
2- 5 sest of Ring Push ups or Regular Push ups
*Make them as hard as possible but stay in a 8-15 rep scheme
Categories: WOD

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