
Mobility-Your Choice
Warmup-Gymnastic Skills
A) Gymnastics Skills: 4 Rounds For Quality
1) Rope Climbs 1-2 Rope Climbs *Legless for 1 and Legs for second if possible
2) Handstand Walk–>Handstand Hold –> Wall Walk
3) Bar or Ring Muscle Ups–>Scale to beat swings on rings or bar if needed
B) Conditioning WOD:
800m Run
200m Slam Ball Bear Hug Carry
400m RUn
400m Slam Ball Bear Hug Carry
200m Run
800m Slam Ball Bear Hug Carry
*If you drop the slam ball during a carry you must do 5 burpees before continuting.
*30 min cap
0-10 Mobility/Going over Skill Variations
10-25 Gymnastics Skills
25-30 Rest
30-End WOD
Categories: WOD

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