Warmup-Complete: Hip Circle Bands, Goblet Squat Holds, Light Bike, Squat Bar
A) Back Squats
8@55% 1RM, 6@65, 4@75, 2@85, 1@90+ then, max reps @75%
B) Accessory: Bent Over Barbell Rows and RDL’s 5×15/each *Increasing sets
Warmup-Complete: Hip Circle Bands, Goblet Squat Holds, Light Bike, Squat Bar
A) Back Squats
8@55% 1RM, 6@65, 4@75, 2@85, 1@90+ then, max reps @75%
B) Accessory: Bent Over Barbell Rows and RDL’s 5×15/each *Increasing sets
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